Innovation Funds

Holon Global Investments - Active Fund Manager

Holon Photon Fund

“Our mission is to accelerate the transition

to green data and empower data ownership”

What are
the benefits?

Data Integrity

Blockchain data is validated on a daily basis, whether it is being accessed or not, ensuring its integrity using verifiable cryptographic hashing.


Your data becomes immutable by naming convention and distribution, which leads to a more tamper resistant data stack, protected against malware and bad actor exploits.


Meets your performance standards for backups & long term archival.


With three replicas, in three locations Holon offers, “eight-nines” (99.999999%) of availability.


Innovative technology efficiencies mean competitive pricing, and better bottom line.


Holon is passionate about the planet, that is why we source green energy to run our data storage infrastructure.


Thousands of collaborators working on an open platform, building ecosystem tools & API’s (RESTful & S3), enabling compounding innovation and driving efficiencies.


Bake compliance into your encrypted data, dictate how your organisation stores your data at a global level with ease.

“Organizations are realizing that for certain data-intensive workloads, decentralized storage is more reliable, more available, more secure, more flexible (no vendor lock-in), less risky, and significantly less expensive than traditional Web2-based public cloud storage.”

IDC White Paper 2022

“The Filecoin ecosystem is large and rapidly expanding, positioning itself to become the backbone of the decentralized web. With the rising demand for cloud storage, Filecoin provides a decentralized alternative to the popular centralized platforms.”

Messari Research 2022

“Filecoin helps us overcome our challenges by providing data storage at a cost effective rate and ensuring data integrity. This will allow data from key research projects to be stored for perpetuity, and to be shared with collaborators from around the world.” 

The Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute

Who is
storing data

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